Income Converter Help
To use the income converter, select a state (or select “National”) and a family size. Then, enter one of the following values – annual income (in dollars), percent of the federal poverty guideline (%FPG), or percent of state (or national) median income (%SMI) – and the Income Converter will return the other two values.
To convert a particular annual Income into its corresponding %FPG and %SMI, enter a dollar amount and then click the “calculate” button to the right. To convert %FPG or %SMI, enter a whole number. For example, to calculate the annual income corresponding to 50% FPG, enter the number 50 in the middle box, then click the button to the right.
To view the federal poverty guideline in dollars for a given family size, enter 100 in the “%FPG” box and then click the button to the right. If you select any of the contiguous 48 states or the District of Columbia, the annual income amount will remain the same because the federal poverty guideline is the same across these states. (The federal poverty guidelines for Alaska and Hawaii are different.)
To view the median income particular to a family size for a given state (or nationally), enter 100 and click the button to the right.